14th St. Transit + Truck Priority Pilot: Preliminary Report Released

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Sam Schwartz today released its preliminary monitoring report for the 14th Street Transit & Truck Priority (TTP) Pilot Project. TTP was implemented by the New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) in October 2019, aiming to improve M14 A/D Select Bus Service operations and enhance safety on this Vision Zero Priority Corridor. The firm’s report found the project has increased bus speeds and bicycle usage along the corridor, and has had varying impacts on vehicle travel times.

Sam Schwartz will create and release periodic monitoring reports about the performance of the TTP Pilot Project over the next year and a half. The firm is partnering with Traffic Databank for data collection and Public Works Partners for public engagement. The monitoring plan includes tracking the performance of bus activity; vehicle speeds and volumes on area roadways; bicycle and pedestrian volumes; and curbside activity.  Data is being collected and gathered from a variety of sources including NYCT, INRIX, NYCDOT, and Citi Bike.

For more information, and to view the full report, click here.

Sam Schwartz Staff